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About this lesson
Learn why you would want more space between the lines within paragraphs and how to apply the space.
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59.2 KB
Quick reference
Line Spacing
Line spacing is the white space between the lines of text in a paragraph and is adjustable depending on your particular document.
When to use
Generally, single spacing is used and would be the same spacing if typed on a typewriter. There is enough whitespace between the lines for the human eye to easily discern the text.
Double line spacing is used mostly in school environments where a teacher will edit or correct a term paper or essay. The double spacing allows room for the edit marks.
1.5 line spacing is for the same reason as double, or “2.0” spacing, but shrinks it just enough to allow more text per page.
- Click into a paragraph, or select the entire document with Ctrl A.
- Click on the Home Ribbon, Paragraph group, and the line spacing button.
- Select a line spacing measurement.
- Ctrl 1 is Single space
- Ctrl 5 is 1 ½ space
- Ctrl 2 is Double Space
- Ctrl A is “select all” and will highlight the entire document so you can change the line spacing all at once.
- 00:05 In this lesson, I'd like to review a few line spacing options.
- 00:09 Line spacing simply refers to the white space between the lines of text
- 00:14 within a paragraph.
- 00:15 The line spacing options are found on the Home ribbon, the Paragraph group and
- 00:20 the Line Spacing button located right here.
- 00:22 You can see that there's a little check mark by the 1.15,
- 00:26 that means single space plus an eighth of the space.
- 00:30 Now, what exactly is a space?
- 00:32 The measurements are according to the font size you chose, it has nothing to do with
- 00:36 inches or regular measurements, it has to do with font measurements.
- 00:40 So here I've chosen Calibri size 11, so
- 00:43 the space between the lines is a portion of that size 11, and
- 00:47 since Microsoft has chosen 1.15 to be the default,
- 00:51 it means a portion of that size 11 plus an eighth.
- 00:55 And so it's one of those things,
- 00:57 it doesn't really matter what the measurement is, what matters is,
- 01:01 does it help you fit your text on a full page, or does it spread it out too much?
- 01:06 I'm gonna go ahead and triple-click this paragraph so you can see
- 01:09 exactly which one I'm looking at and I'm gonna hit the drop-down on this, and
- 01:13 I'm just going to toggle back and forth to the single-space.
- 01:16 Just watch that first paragraph, I realize everything else is adjusting,
- 01:20 just keep your eyes on the first paragraph 21.15, 1.0, 1.15, so single,
- 01:25 single and an eighth, single, single and an eighth.
- 01:28 You can see how the white space between the lines spreads out a little bit,
- 01:33 that is fine, that they use 1.15.
- 01:35 But if you ever have a document you're trying to fit on one page and for
- 01:39 some reason a couple of lines are overflowing to the second page,
- 01:42 you might want to just consider going single space on the entire document.
- 01:46 It makes that much of a difference on a long document, short document,
- 01:50 not a big deal, long document, could be a big deal.
- 01:54 Okay, I'm gonna go ahead and change that one to single space,
- 01:57 in the second paragraph, I'm gonna change this to double space.
- 02:01 Now again, I can triple-click just so you can see which paragraph I'm talking about,
- 02:04 you don't have to, to apply these, they're paragraph options.
- 02:07 So a single click inside the paragraph will apply this action, now,
- 02:11 I'm gonna go up here and I'm gonna go straight to the double space.
- 02:14 Double space traditionally is used for school, essays, or term papers, or
- 02:19 a long manuscript, where someone else is going to be reviewing it,
- 02:23 and making editing comments between the lines.
- 02:26 So that's why we use double spacing.
- 02:28 So you have an option here to have one and a half spacing,
- 02:32 gives enough room to still make a comment, but squishes more text on the page.
- 02:37 But traditionally, double space is right there.
- 02:39 I'm gonna go ahead and click that 2 to leave that at double spacing, and
- 02:42 I'm gonna teach you a trick.
- 02:43 To take this quickly back to single spacing, Ctrl+1 means single space, and
- 02:48 I just hit that on my keyboard, now I'll go to Ctrl+2, double space.
- 02:53 Now Ctrl+1 and a half, 1.5 is Ctrl+5, cuz the Ctrl+1 would be single,
- 02:59 and the 5 is the extra half, so just so you know that you can adjust it simply
- 03:04 with your keyboard without having to go to that Line Spacing button.
- 03:07 Now the third paragraph here is for you to experiment with.
- 03:11 Again, I'll triple-click to highlight it, and then, course it doesn't matter when I
- 03:15 start highlighting this list, that highlight goes away on that paragraph.
- 03:19 But, just go ahead and review and just apply these, now there is two and
- 03:23 a half line spacing and three, triple line spacing.
- 03:27 In all my years of office administration,
- 03:29 I've never had a need to use triple line spacing.
- 03:32 But, for some reason, Microsoft has put it in there, so that's fine and maybe you'll
- 03:37 have a use for it someday, at least you know it's there, and it's available.
- 03:42 So that's the lesson about line spacing.
- 03:45 To set this all back to regular, you would just highlight the entire document or
- 03:50 you could Ctrl+A, to highlight the entire document and
- 03:54 then very quickly Ctrl+1, for single spacing.
- 03:58 Ctrl+1 5, or just Ctrl+5 for one and a half spacing, or
- 04:01 Ctrl+2 will apply it to the entire double spacing to your entire document.
- 04:07 All right, go ahead and please practice with those so you become familiar with
- 04:10 what happens when you start playing with the line spacing options.
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