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About this lesson
Learn how to control spaces between paragraphs all at one time and adjust spacing as needed.
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Quick reference
Paragraph Spacing
Learn how to control spaces between paragraphs all at one time and adjust spacing as needed.
When to use
Controlling the space between paragraphs is very important. Spacing is necessary to help the reader determine where paragraphs start and stop. But pressing “Enter” on the keyboard to force that space is only one option. A better option is to use the Paragraph Spacing function in Page Layout.
- Page Layout Ribbon
- Home Ribbon, Show/Hide Button
- Select the paragraphs to apply spacing to.
- Click Page Layout, Spacing:
- Change the Before and After settings to your desired size.
- You can do this manually within the document by pressing the enter key between each paragraph as you type. This was the method used when typewriters were the main equipment in offices.
- To see if spaces have been placed manually or automatically with the Spacing feature, click the Home ribbon and turn on the Show/Hide button
to view the background codes on the screen.
- 00:05 Paragraph spacing is so important to understand that it's an intermediate
- 00:09 level, but you've got to really embrace this and understand it.
- 00:12 So first of all, on my home ribbon I have a little button right over here.
- 00:15 This is the Show/Hide button.
- 00:17 I'm going to turn this on for this lesson, so I don't want it to confuse you.
- 00:21 But what's happening in the background is these are all background codes.
- 00:24 They're called non-printing characters and
- 00:27 like the polka dots between the words are space bars.
- 00:30 And, then the paragraph marks are where the enter key has been pressed
- 00:34 on the keyboard, all right.
- 00:35 It's very important because notice between the paragraphs, there's no enter key.
- 00:40 It's just white space right there, okay no enter key.
- 00:42 All right, let's go ahead and click on the layout ribbon and on the Layout Ribbon,
- 00:47 this is our paragraph spacing section.
- 00:50 So I can see my indents are not set at all, and on the right, here's my spacing.
- 00:55 This means before a paragraph, and after a paragraph.
- 00:59 Now when I'm talking about paragraph, I mean, the paragraph mark right there.
- 01:04 So I've got zero points before, but ten points after.
- 01:08 Now the ten points means like a size ten font of space is after
- 01:14 this paragraph mark and that explains why no extra paragraph mark between these, but
- 01:18 there is space between those.
- 01:20 That is how you create space between paragraphs.
- 01:23 Now why do you want to do that?
- 01:25 Well, for this reason I'm going to click on the View ribbon.
- 01:28 I'm going to view multiple pages.
- 01:30 This document has one full page of writing and a couple extra lines right over here.
- 01:35 Hm, well, I really wanted this to be a one page document.
- 01:40 I've got to bring those two lines back in here.
- 01:42 I don't want to shrink my font, I wonder what I could adjust.
- 01:46 The paragraph spacing can be adjusted.
- 01:49 All right, so, with the view still on two pages,
- 01:53 I'm gonna come back to Layout and then click and drag all my text right here.
- 01:59 And I know it looks small I'll try to raise it up a little bit so
- 02:03 I've selected all my text and
- 02:05 instead of ten points I wonder if I change my paragraph spacing to six points.
- 02:11 And when I click off of it, look what happened.
- 02:14 No second page.
- 02:16 I only have one page.
- 02:18 I was able to bring it back in by simply telling it, I don't want a 10 point
- 02:24 font size of space between my paragraphs, I want a 6 point of font size space.
- 02:31 Wow that's a long sentence to say, it's a big phrase.
- 02:34 So the point is,
- 02:35 you have full control over how much space between these paragraphs.
- 02:39 Now, let's do this again.
- 02:41 Let's do it the old fashioned way, which means I'm going to highlight all of this,
- 02:45 then I tell it I don't want any space at all.
- 02:48 Zero, 0 points.
- 02:50 And I'm going to jam all of this together.
- 02:53 Does that look difficult to read to you?
- 02:56 Yes.
- 02:56 Even in the old fashioned days on typewriters we would put an extra
- 03:00 enter key between each paragraph.
- 03:03 Now that Enter key, can anyone tell me what size, here's a little clue,
- 03:07 look at that my quick access bar.
- 03:09 Can you tell me what size that Enter key is?
- 03:12 You bet, that's a size 11.
- 03:14 So when I put a bunch of those to give it the old fashioned way of
- 03:18 putting a space between paragraphs, welcome to my second page.
- 03:22 I just defeated everything I did.
- 03:24 So the reality is sometimes manually entering a space, or a hard return,
- 03:31 in between paragraphs stretches a document to be all we want resisting to be legible.
- 03:37 And so in that case,
- 03:38 also set controls a few times until it goes back to what it was.
- 03:42 In that case, just by putting 6 points after every paragraph spot,
- 03:47 it fixed it all, so that is a lesson in paragraph spacing, that is why we use it.
- 03:53 And you have total control if you only knew it was there.
- 03:57 Layout ribbon, paragraph, and just adjust these guys.
- 04:00 Alright, thank you.
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