Microsoft Excel

Resources in Microsoft Excel

Excel Challenge 8: Create a Performance Incentive Worksheet

Excel Challenge 8: Create a Performance Incentive Worksheet

Use the VLOOKUP and IF functions to solve this new Excel challenge that takes you into a contact center. Take the challenge to learn real-world Exc...

12 Basic Excel Formulas You Need to Know

12 Basic Excel Formulas You Need to Know

Don’t know much about how to use Excel formulas? Learn about these 12 basic Excel formulas to get started.

How to Remove Duplicates in Excel

How to Remove Duplicates in Excel

Let’s clean up your worksheet by learning how to find, and then, how to remove duplicates in Excel.

How to Use the Excel INDIRECT Function

How to Use the Excel INDIRECT Function

With a single argument, you can add sophistication to your worksheet by allowing it to behave dynamically. That’s the Excel INDIRECT function.

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How to Create a Histogram in Excel

How to Create a Histogram in Excel

Histograms are useful for reporting on statistical data, especially when large datasets are involved. Here’s how to create a histogram in Excel.

How to Strikethrough in Excel

How to Strikethrough in Excel

The strikethrough effect is an effective way to visually highlight that a task has been completed. Learn how to strikethrough in Excel.

Standard Deviation Formula in Excel

Standard Deviation Formula in Excel

Excel eliminates the manual work by offering not one, but six functions to calculate standard deviation. Learn about the standard deviation formula...

How to Use the Excel SUMPRODUCT Function

How to Use the Excel SUMPRODUCT Function

The Excel SUMPRODUCT function is your secret weapon for functions you may not have access to if you're using an older Excel version. Learn more in ...

Excel Challenge 7: Create an Expandable Dropdown List

Excel Challenge 7: Create an Expandable Dropdown List

Help this book store owner solve this Excel data management challenge using the XLOOKUP function.

How to Make a Pie Chart in Excel

How to Make a Pie Chart in Excel

Pie charts are a popular way to show how much individual amounts contribute to a total amount. Learn how to make a pie chart in Excel.

How to Make a Scatter Plot in Excel

How to Make a Scatter Plot in Excel

A scatter plot is a type of chart that shows whether there is a relationship between two variables. Let’s explore how to make a scatter plot in Excel!

Variance Formula Excel

Variance Formula Excel

Variance is a number that gives a general idea of the dispersion of a dataset. Learn about the variance formula in Excel.

How to Merge Cells and Split Cells in Excel

How to Merge Cells and Split Cells in Excel

Excel has several features which give us the ability to merge and split cells in multiple ways. Here’s how to merge cells in Excel and split cells ...

How to Make a Line Graph in Excel

How to Make a Line Graph in Excel

Line graphs are some of the most common types of charts used to display continuous data. Here’s how to make a line graph in Excel.

How to Use the SUM Function in Excel

How to Use the SUM Function in Excel

One of the best functions for beginners to learn is the SUM function in Excel. Start learning with this comprehensive tutorial.

How to Filter in Excel

How to Filter in Excel

Have you ever wanted to temporarily display only certain data from a larger dataset without deleting the rest? Learn how to filter in Excel.

LEN Function Excel - A Beginner's Guide

LEN Function Excel - A Beginner's Guide

The LEN Excel function returns the number of characters in a text string. Learn all about it in this beginner's guide.

Excel Challenge 6: Using Basic Logical Functions

Excel Challenge 6: Using Basic Logical Functions

It’s coming up to the end of the year and there’s a scramble to take vacation days. Can you help your HR department solve this challenge?

How to Calculate Percentage in Excel

How to Calculate Percentage in Excel

If you do lots of work with numbers in Excel, then you’ll be working with percentages fairly often. Learn how to calculate percentages in Excel.

How to Create a Drop Down List in Excel

How to Create a Drop Down List in Excel

Excel drop down lists are an easy way to control the values entered in a cell. We’ll explore how to create a drop down list in Excel using three m...