Workplace training

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How to Provide Mental Health Training for Your Employees

Laurel Buckley

Laurel Buckley

While navigating the complexities of today's workplace environments, attention to mental health has rightfully emerged as a critical focus area. Your contribution to the mental well-being of your employees can set your team up for lasting success, directly impacting your team's overall performance. 

So, how do you effectively set up mental health training for employees? Sufficiently train managers and employees about mental health awareness, especially with convenient tools such as the GoSkills course template gallery, and continuously create a company culture that empowers employees to prioritize their mental well-being.

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Integrating mental wellness into how a team functions is an essential part of employee satisfaction and productivity. According to a Gitnuz market data report in 2023, only 52% of United States corporations offer a wellness program, but those that do report at least a 60% increase in productivity and growth since its implementation. 

To help you start this journey, we have put together some mental health resources to help you support your employees. From free, ready-to-go courses to research-backed information and expert tips, you’ll be well on your way to facilitating a healthy, productive workforce. 

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The role of managers in mental health

Managers act as the first line of defense, identifying and addressing mental health issues among their team members. An effective manager leads by example, demonstrating a balanced work-life routine, open communication, self-care habits, and genuine empathy. They often set the tone in a workplace regarding what is acceptable conversation and boundary setting. Through practices such as modeling stress management practices, encouraging regular breaks, and breaking the stigma around mental health, team members are encouraged to follow suit and empowered to be proactive in taking care of their mental well-being. 

One way to ensure that all managers in your organization are equipped with the resources and skills to identify and support employees struggling with their mental health is by training them adequately when they first transition into their roles.  The GoSkills course builder, for example, has a customizable course template gallery that provides essential information on topics relevant to the workplace today. The Mental Health Awareness for Managers template course educates managers on the importance of providing mental health resources for their team and allows administrators to edit and adjust the content to better fit the organization’s needs.  

Managers can set a positive tone by encouraging regular breaks, breaking the stigma around mental health, and demonstrating good stress management techniques.

Managers need to be adequately trained in effectively addressing these issues when they arise. It's not just about lending a sympathetic ear but also about fostering an overall environment that respects and facilitates mental well-being. Managers are generally the first to notice changes in a team member's demeanor, performance, or behavior, which may signal mental health struggles. Once these changes are observed, managers should approach these situations with empathy and discretion, offering an open and non-judgmental space for discussion.

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Mental health resources for the team

Mental health initiatives for employees can range from conducting workshops and inviting guest speakers to distributing resource materials on mental health topics. Investing in educating your team on mental health shows your organization's proactive commitment to their well-being and instills a sense of trust and inclusivity.

  • Wellness training 

Wellness training equips people with the tools and strategies they need to manage stress and develop healthy habits. These are not always intuitive and are often easily overlooked. Without proper training, individuals tend to rely on unsustainable coping mechanisms when overwhelmed, leading to chronic stress, poor health choices, and burnout.  Plus, wellness training contributes to the long-term sustainability of a company. Employees who feel supported in their well-being are more likely to stay with the organization, reducing turnover rates and the associated costs of recruiting and training new staff.

Ensure you address topics like:

  • harassment and bullying
  • work-life balance
  • available support systems

The GoSkills course template gallery has a Mental Health Awareness for Employees course, which has the basics of what should be covered. The Mental Health Awareness for Managers template contains valuable information for understanding and supporting the mental well-being of employees. Harassment and Bullying Prevention in the Workplace is a comprehensive, multi-lesson course template aimed at helping everyone foster a more cohesive working environment. These templates are easily customizable if needed, so you can add the specific resources and assistance your organization provides to make them more applicable to your employees. 

  • Employee Assistance Programs 

Effective Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) offer another pivotal resource for mental well-being. EAPs allow for employees to have access to short-term counseling and provide a range of resources to employees to address various issues that may be affecting their personal and professional lives:

These programs offer confidential, professional assistance to help employees handle stressors that could impact their work performance and personal life. A well-implemented EAP is invaluable in providing immediate and professional support that employees may require to navigate challenging times. Whether an EAP is in-house, outsourced, or a combination of both can vary, depending on the organization's size and the program's budget. What’s important, however, is that such a program should exist.

  • Crisis helplines

Helplines offer another crucial avenue of support. 24/7 mental health helplines operated by trained mental health professionals can provide immediate counseling and emotional support, which can be critical in times of crisis. Ensure that employees are made aware of and have easy access to websites and local phone numbers they can contact during a crisis. This might be difficult in a remote working environment and with workers in various regions. However, this contributes to employees feeling valued and reassured of help in difficult times and serves as a potential lifeline during particularly stressful periods.

A psychologically safe environment combined with these valuable mental health resources encourages employees to value and take proactive steps toward maintaining their mental health. Ensuring that mental health resources are easily accessible, inclusive, and confidential can foster a more empathetic workplace, strengthening your team’s overall resilience, productivity, and well-being.

Strategies for encouraging mental wellness

The concept of mental health programs for employees in the workplace extends beyond crisis support and fosters a healthy and positive environment. Strategies for encouraging mental wellness among your team can include creating socialization opportunities and promoting work-life balance.

1. Create opportunities to socialize with peers 

Socialization opportunities within the team, such as team-building activities or informal mini-events, can play a crucial role in enhancing mental wellness. Such activities reduce feelings of isolation, one of the leading factors contributing to mental health problems. 

Employees participating in team-building activityA sense of belonging and unity among team members can significantly lower stress levels and ultimately improve communication and collaboration. It is important, however, that team members do not feel pressured to participate in these activities or feel that it affects their opportunities for upward mobility at work. These initiatives are separate from their work, and their presence or lack thereof has no bearing on the perception of their performance. Otherwise, it could have the opposite effect of placing employees under undue stress.

2. Promote work-life balance

Work-life balance is not the same as time management. It encompasses physical health, personal priorities, and family needs.

man takes a break from work looking at oceanEncouraging your team to have lives outside of work—lives that they find fulfilling and revitalizing—can significantly contribute to better mental health. This could mean: 

  • Regular breaks
  • Respecting off-duty hours
  • Flexible work schedules
  • Endorsing participation in hobbies
  • Encouraging family time
  • Promoting exercise
  • Encouraging regular vacations 

3. Create safe spaces

Safe spaces for mental health conversations are another pillar of a mental wellness strategy. By creating safe spaces, we mean promoting an atmosphere where team members feel they can discuss their feelings, stressors, or concerns without fear of judgment, stigma, or backlash. Regular check-ins, as mentioned earlier, can be a great way to promote these open dialogues.

empathetic manager speaking with workerThese should not only be limited to work-related issues but also offer space to discuss personal matters, feelings, and thoughts. Some choose to create a physically safe space, a room designed to have a calming effect on those who might feel particularly overwhelmed during the working day. For remote teams, a virtual space could be created, though it may require a bit more effort and creativity.  


Encouraging mental wellness involves creating a positive work culture that focuses on educating managers, and staff and incorporating wellness strategies into the company's fabric.  A mentally healthy team is not only better equipped to handle stress and challenges but also displays superior collaboration, creativity, and productivity. Prioritizing these strategies for mental wellness renders an investment in the team’s overall success, motivation, and job satisfaction.

Standardizing training programs for staff and leadership to recognize and respond to mental health problems can support mental health initiatives in your organization and highlight the importance of everyone’s well-being. The GoSkills course builder allows you to create courses relevant to your organization and its needs and customize course templates that already contain quality research-backed information.

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Laurel Buckley

Laurel Buckley

Laurel is a writer at GoSkills whose content often covers employee well-being, productivity, and development. She holds a degree in Communication and Design from the University of Waterloo and regularly attends workshops on conflict resolution and ethics. In her free time, she usually volunteering, reading a classical novel or watching the lastest survival skills show. Learn more on Linkedin here.