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All measurement systems introduce an element of error into the measured value. There are techniques for determining the magnitude of that error and thereby determining if a different measurement system needs to be used.
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Measurement Errors
All measurement systems introduce an element of error into the measured value. There are techniques for determining the source of that error and thereby determining if a different measurement system needs to be used.
When to use
Whenever an inspection or test is performed, there is the introduction of a measurement error. The measurement system analysis will determine the source and magnitude of the error. This module discusses the characteristics of errors.
An observed measurement, either inspection or test, is derived from a combination of the true value of the item, the standard being used in the measurement system, and the source and magnitude of the measurement errors. There are five categories of measurement errors. The course on measurement systems analysis will explain how to determine the magnitude. At this time, I will just review the categories.
Accuracy is the difference between the actual value of the item and the average measured value of that item. Accuracy is also referred to as bias. Accuracy errors can often be corrected through calibration.
Precision is the uncertainty in the measurement due to equipment, people, and procedures. It is often divided into repeatability (same person measuring multiple times with different results) and reproducibility (different people using the same equipment and procedures with different results). Gage R&R studies identify the magnitude of this error.
Discrimination is the number of gradations of the measuring system within the normal range of the measurement. A minimum of ten gradations is required for adequate discrimination, although I prefer 25. If discrimination is inadequate, you need to change the measurement system.
Linearity is the degree to which the bias shifts depending upon where within the range the measurement is occurring. For instance, it could be a low bias at the high end of the range and a high bias at the low end of the range. If linearity is unacceptable, you need to change the measurement system.
Stability is the degree to which the bias changes over time. This is often due to wear and tear. Also, if the measurement system has a consumable, the bias shifts as the consumable is used up. If this is excessive, you need to change the measurement system.
Hints & tips
- Precision errors can quickly change as operators and procedures change. Monitor this if you have a changing work environment.
- Conduct Gage R&R studies before relying on data in the Measure phase.
- Linearity, Stability, and Discrimination are inherent in the measurement system design, they cannot be eliminated with calibration or training.
- 00:05 Hi, I'm Ray Sheen.
- 00:06 Well, I've talked about the importance of measurement system error.
- 00:09 It's now time to take a look at the factors that could cause measurement
- 00:13 system error.
- 00:14 So let's talk about what goes into a measurement.
- 00:18 When you record an observed measurement,
- 00:20 you're recording a combination of three effects.
- 00:22 On the one hand, there is the true value of the item that is being measured,
- 00:27 how big, or how fast, or how hot it is.
- 00:29 However, there is also the measurement error associated with
- 00:33 the measurement system, the uncertainty in the people and the equipment being used.
- 00:37 And there is the calibration standard of whatever measurement approach you
- 00:41 are using.
- 00:42 I want to focus in on the measurement system error and its sources.
- 00:46 We're going to look at each of these in more detail.
- 00:48 But one thing I want you to realize is that there are many potential sources of
- 00:52 errors or error effects.
- 00:54 Some of these can be easily measured or analyzed,
- 00:57 but some will need a sophisticated statistical analysis.
- 01:02 The first one to discuss is accuracy, which is sometimes referred to as bias.
- 01:07 Accuracy is whether the average of the measurements of an item agree with
- 01:11 the true value of that item.
- 01:13 The question you're answering is whether or
- 01:15 not you're getting the right answer at least on average.
- 01:18 If the answer to that question is yes, you are getting the right answer on average,
- 01:23 then we would say that the system is accurate.
- 01:26 What that means is that the difference between the actual value and the average
- 01:31 of the observed values as measured by the measurement system is very small.
- 01:35 When there are problems with accuracy,
- 01:37 we generally try to fix those by recalibrating the measurement system.
- 01:41 Now, I'd like to talk about precision.
- 01:44 Accuracy dealt with the center point on average of the observed measurements.
- 01:48 Precision deals with the variability of those measurements.
- 01:51 In essence, the width of that bell-shaped curve is determined by taking multiple
- 01:55 independent measurements of the same item and recording the results.
- 02:00 This analysis is at the heart of most measurement system analysis, and
- 02:04 this error is often based upon both the design and use of the system.
- 02:08 The error can be divided into two categories based upon two primary causes
- 02:12 for error.
- 02:13 First is repeatability.
- 02:15 This is looking at whether the same person measuring the same item with the same
- 02:19 equipment and in supposedly the same way, gets the same or different answers.
- 02:23 It's essentially looking at the variability of the equipment in
- 02:26 the process.
- 02:27 High repeatability would be a bell-shaped curve that is very narrow,
- 02:31 low repeatability is a wide curve.
- 02:34 The other category is reproducibility.
- 02:36 Can different people using the same measurement system and
- 02:39 measuring the same item get the same result?
- 02:42 This is looking at person-to-person variability.
- 02:44 If there's high reproducibility,
- 02:46 each individual's bell-shaped curve is almost identical with the others.
- 02:50 If low reproducibility, then each individual's curve is decidedly different.
- 02:55 Determining repeatability and
- 02:57 reproducibility is a statistical analysis known as a Gage R&R study.
- 03:02 It's very practical and important one.
- 03:04 In our course on measurement system analysis,
- 03:07 we show you how to conduct the analysis and interpret the results.
- 03:10 Next, we will look at discrimination as a contributing factor to error.
- 03:14 Discrimination is the resolution of the measurement system.
- 03:17 That means the number of measurement intervals within the nominal range of
- 03:21 the item value.
- 03:22 It represents the ability of the system to determine small changes in the value of
- 03:26 the item that is being measured.
- 03:28 Think of this as the difference between being able to choose only black or
- 03:32 white versus different shades of gray.
- 03:34 At a minimum, for variable data, we should have at least ten gradations available in
- 03:39 the normal range of the item being measured.
- 03:41 And personally, I would like to have 25 to 30 gradations.
- 03:45 In this illustration, you can see that the measurement scale on the left only
- 03:50 has three potential values for the distribution, 0, 1, or 2.
- 03:53 However, with the measurement scale on the right, we have much better discrimination
- 03:58 since there are now 14 potential values in the range of the distribution.
- 04:02 The last two categories are stability and linearity,
- 04:05 both of which look at factors that change the accuracy or bias of the system.
- 04:09 The first is stability, and it looks at whether the bias value stays the same
- 04:13 while using the measurement system or whether it drifts over time.
- 04:17 In our diagram, if we, again, let the gold bar represent the true value of the item,
- 04:22 the system starts with a negative bias in January.
- 04:25 It becomes more accurate, and by March, there is virtually no bias.
- 04:29 And then it begins to drift even higher, and in September,
- 04:33 the system inaccuracy is twice as high as it was low in January.
- 04:37 This could be due to wear and tear or
- 04:40 some aspects of the measurement system that's being used up over time.
- 04:44 Linearity is also a bias shift, but this is not a shift over time,
- 04:48 rather this is a shift over the dynamic range of the measurement.
- 04:52 That means that the bias is one value when measuring small items, and
- 04:56 another value when measuring large items.
- 04:59 If the bias stays the same over the full range of measurements,
- 05:02 then we say the linearity is good.
- 05:04 In this diagram, the bias is a small bias on the high side with small items,
- 05:09 and a larger bias on the low side with large items.
- 05:12 This is not good linearity.
- 05:15 Accuracy, discrimination, linearity, and stability are measurement system
- 05:18 attributes that are normally based upon the design and maintenance of the system.
- 05:22 The precision element of repeatability and
- 05:25 reproducibility is based both on the design and use of the system.
- 05:30 Understanding your measurement system errors allows you to determine if
- 05:34 the overall measurement error is small enough that you can trust your data.
- 05:38 If the error is too large,
- 05:40 you probably need to change to a different measurement system.
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