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How to Make a Scatter Plot in Excel

How to Make a Scatter Plot in Excel

A scatter plot is a type of chart that shows whether there is a relationship between two variables. Let’s explore how to make a scatter plot in Excel!

Variance Formula Excel

Variance Formula Excel

Variance is a number that gives a general idea of the dispersion of a dataset. Learn about the variance formula in Excel.

How to Merge Cells and Split Cells in Excel

How to Merge Cells and Split Cells in Excel

Excel has several features which give us the ability to merge and split cells in multiple ways. Here’s how to merge cells in Excel and split cells ...

How to Make a Line Graph in Excel

How to Make a Line Graph in Excel

Line graphs are some of the most common types of charts used to display continuous data. Here’s how to make a line graph in Excel.

How to Use Microsoft Teams Video Conference

How to Use Microsoft Teams Video Conference

By far, the most popular feature of the Teams platform is the Microsoft Teams video conference. Learn all about it in this ultimate how-to guide.

How to Use the SUM Function in Excel

How to Use the SUM Function in Excel

One of the best functions for beginners to learn is the SUM function in Excel. Start learning with this comprehensive tutorial.

How to Filter in Excel

How to Filter in Excel

Have you ever wanted to temporarily display only certain data from a larger dataset without deleting the rest? Learn how to filter in Excel.

LEN Function Excel - A Beginner's Guide

LEN Function Excel - A Beginner's Guide

The LEN Excel function returns the number of characters in a text string. Learn all about it in this beginner's guide.

Excel Challenge 6: Using Basic Logical Functions

Excel Challenge 6: Using Basic Logical Functions

It’s coming up to the end of the year and there’s a scramble to take vacation days. Can you help your HR department solve this challenge?

How to Calculate Percentage in Excel

How to Calculate Percentage in Excel

If you do lots of work with numbers in Excel, then you’ll be working with percentages fairly often. Learn how to calculate percentages in Excel.

LinkedIn Profile Tips - 24 Ways to Get Hired on LinkedIn

Soft Skills

12 min

LinkedIn Profile Tips - 24 Ways to Get Hired on LinkedIn

Use your LinkedIn profile to its full potential to market your personal brand and land your next dream role. Here are some LinkedIn profile tips to...

How to Create a Drop Down List in Excel

How to Create a Drop Down List in Excel

Excel drop down lists are an easy way to control the values entered in a cell. We’ll explore how to create a drop down list in Excel using three m...

How to Use the IFERROR Excel Function

How to Use the IFERROR Excel Function

The IFERROR Excel function is a logical function that tells Excel what to do if the formula that was entered returns an error response. Learn how t...

How to Multiply in Excel

How to Multiply in Excel

There are two main ways to do multiplication in Excel. Learn how to multiply in Excel here.

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How to Insert Excel Checkboxes

How to Insert Excel Checkboxes

Did you know you can use Excel to insert checkboxes for to-do lists, dynamic charts, and dashboards? Learn about Excel checkboxes in this beginner'...

How to Make a Bar Graph in Excel

How to Make a Bar Graph in Excel

Bar graphs are an effective way to visually compare frequency, amounts, or units. Learn how to make a bar graph in Excel.

5 Customer Service Training Ideas and Best Practices

Soft Skills

13 min

5 Customer Service Training Ideas and Best Practices

Looking for tangible, non-boring customer service training ideas to empower your employees? Here are five must-know tips.

PMT Function Excel

PMT Function Excel

Learn how to use the Excel PMT function in this comprehensive beginner's guide.

How to Concatenate in Excel

How to Concatenate in Excel

There are four ways to concatenate in Excel (the CONCATENATE Excel function, CONCAT, TEXTJOIN, and the & operator). Learn about them in this beginn...

8 Tough Interview Questions and Answers to Ace Them

Soft Skills

16 min

8 Tough Interview Questions and Answers to Ace Them

Get ready to ace your next job interview by preparing for those tough interview questions and answers.